IC是加拿大工业部(Industry Canada)的简称,自2016年开始正式更名为Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada(ISED),负责电子电器产品进入加拿大市场的认证事务。ISED认证是电子电器产品进入加拿大市场的通行证,在认证范围内的产品要通过认证才能进入加拿大市场进行销售。
ISED has been lenient in the past with submission of some exhibitsFamily certification rarely includes more than one set of internal & external photosRSP-100 Form C is however quite clear on this: Internal and External photos of the product versions in the application are requiredThis requirement is not just for one product version. It applies to all product versions in a familyISED is now requesting to see internal and external photos of all models / product versions in a familyThis is applicable whether or not an applicant is stating that all models are identicalThis is applicable for all new family certifications or addition of models via Permissive Change applicationApplications received by ISED which do not include a set of internal & external photos for each model /product versions, will be sent back to the CB.