
LW9320 NC010 20玻纤 表面美观 低翘曲

2025-03-14 09:38:17发布   信息编号:13379549  
公司: 东莞市高合华聚合物有限公司
联系人: 蒋志华(销售人员)
所在地: 广东 - 东莞,樟木头镇华翠路34号
价格: 34.0/千克
联系: 微信:a13826977936

电话:0769-85355419 手机:13826977936

Crastin LW9320 NC010 LW9320 BK851是一种聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯和苯乙烯丙烯腈(PBT + SAN)共混物,以 20% 玻璃纤维增强材料增强。具有改进的表面美观性、出色的尺寸稳定性和低翘曲特性。具有机械和物理性能,如刚度和韧性,热-,摩擦-,化学-,热老化-和耐磨性,优秀的表面光洁度和良好的着色性。具有良好的熔体稳定性和优异的电绝缘特性。良好的熔体稳定性有助于回收处理得当的生产废料。Crastin LW9320 可以使用注塑成型进行加工。应用包括电子、电气、汽车、机械工程、化工、家用电器和体育用品行业。




CCrastin LW9320 NC010 LW9320 BK851 is a polybutylene terephthalate and styrene acrylonitrile (PBT + SAN) blend, reinforced with 20% glass fiber. Possesses improved surface aesthetics, excellent dimensional stability and low warpage characteristics. Has mechanical and physical properties such as stiffness & toughness, heat-, friction-, chemical-, heat ageing- & wear resistance, excellent surface finishes and good colorability. Exhibits good melt stability and excellent electrical insulation characteristics. Good melt stability enables the recycling of properly handled production waste. Crastin LW9320 NC010 can be processed using injection molding. Applications include electronics, electrical, automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical, domestic appliances and sporting goods industry.

LW9320 NC010 20玻纤 表面美观 低翘曲

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