
SURLYN PC-2000 耐刮擦 耐溶剂 DOW

2025-03-18 10:48:38发布   信息编号:13384254  
公司: 东莞市高合华聚合物有限公司
联系人: 蒋志华(销售人员)
所在地: 广东 - 东莞,樟木头镇华翠路34号
价格: 88.0/千克
联系: 微信:a13826977936

电话:0769-85355419 手机:13826977936

Surlyn PC-2000是一种轻质、可靠、经济高效的离聚物钠牌号。具有良好的冲击强度,低温韧性突出,光学性能好。提供低温密封起爆、良好的热粘强度、良好的成型性、耐刮擦性、耐溶剂性和耐穿刺性。它可以密封污染物,有助于减少泄漏并提高生产线速度。可通过注塑成型加工。可能的应用可能是工业,食品包装,化妆品,医疗设备,皮肤和拉伸,高尔夫球表层,滑雪靴和包覆成型瓶。Surlyn PC-2000 符合 21 CFR 177.1330(a) 标准。




Surlyn PC-2000 is a lightweight, reliable, cost-effective sodium ionomer grade. Possesses good impact strength, outstanding toughness at low temperature and good optical properties. Provides low-temperature seal initiation, excellent hot tack strength, good formability, scratch-, solvent- and puncture-resistance. It seals through contaminants, helps reduce leakers and increases line speeds. Can be processed by injection molding. Possible applications could be industrial, packaging for food, cosmetic, medical device, skin & stretch, surface layer for golf balls, ski boots and overmolded bottles. Surlyn PC-2000 complies with 21 CFR 177.1330(a).

SURLYN PC-2000 耐刮擦 耐溶剂 DOW

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