
XE4027 Black 30玻纤 阻燃V0 抗UV

2025-03-22 08:51:28发布   信息编号:13389395  
公司: 东莞市高合华聚合物有限公司
联系人: 蒋志华(销售人员)
所在地: 广东 - 东莞,樟木头镇华翠路34号
价格: 60.0/千克
联系: 微信:a13826977936

电话:0769-85355419 手机:13826977936

GRIVORY XE4027 Black 是一种阻燃、无卤、无红磷的聚邻苯二甲酰胺 (PPA) 牌号,由 30% 的玻璃纤维增强。是基于半结晶部分芳香族共聚酰胺。由可再生原料蓖麻油通过化学工艺获得的单体生产。具有良好的耐水解性、耐热性和抗紫外线性。适合注塑加工。用于汽车应用,如燃油系统、内部和外部、动力总成和底盘、电器、照明、手机和其他便携式设备。该材料适用于符合 JEDEC J-STD-020C(峰值温度 260°C)的无铅 SMT 回流焊。符合 JEDEC MSL1 标准的组件是可以实现的。符合 REACH、RoHS 和 WEEE 标准。




GRIVORY XE 4027 Black is a flame retardant, halogen-free and red phosphorus-free, polyphthalamide (PPA) grade reinforced with 30% glass fiber. Is based on semi crystalline partially aromatic co-polyamide. Is produced by monomers obtained through chemical processes from the renewable raw material castor oil. Exhibits good hydrolysis-, heat- and UV resistance. Is suitable for processing by injection molding. Used in automotive applications like fuel systems, interior and exterior, powertrain and chassis, electrical appliances, lighting, mobile phones and other portable devices. The material is suitable for lead-free SMT reflow soldering acc. to JEDEC J-STD-020C (peak temperature 260°C). Components conforming to JEDEC MSL1 are achievable. Complies with REACH, RoHS and WEEE.

XE4027 Black 30玻纤 阻燃V0 抗UV

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